Based on contemporary documents and histories, Roderick Graham paints a unique picture of Mary th...
Cybercrime and Digital Deviance is a work that combines insights from sociology, criminology, and...
Cybercrime and Digital Deviance is a work that combines insights from sociology, criminology, and...
Brothers Michael and Gabe are magically transported across the universe to Kirjath where hundreds...
Cybercrime and Digital Deviance, Second Edition, combines insights from sociology, criminology, p...
Cybercrime and Digital Deviance, Second Edition, combines insights from sociology, criminology, p...
Covering a wide range of different online platforms, including social media sites and chatrooms, ...
Covering a wide range of different online platforms, including social media sites and chatrooms, ...
Bonnie Prince Charlie is one of the best-known and romantic names in Scottish and British history...
How do social scientists study the impact of social networking sites on racial identity formation...
How did Christianity come to Scotland? A sixteen-hundred-year-old fog of mystery separates us fro...
A deeply researched, comprehensive biography of John Knox which vividly brings its subject and th...