Disc 1:'Der Schatten des Todes'Der Immobilienhai Richard Bayly wird auf brutale Weise getötet. Mi...
In der Grafschaft Midsomer, einem vermeintlichen Idyll, sorgen erneut einige seltsame Todesfälle ...
Das Morden in Midsomer geht weiter - vier neue mysteriöse Morde gilt es zu lösen. So führen die E...
Die aktuellen Ereignisse in der Grafschaft Midsomer überschlagen sich und fordern Inspector Barna...
This book provides an in-depth analysis into the main effects of Hughes Syndrome. It offers...
Hughes Syndrome: Highways and Byways is a handy and easy-to-read guide to the main features of Hu...
Lupus is an extremely common, potentially treatable, disease of the immune system. It affects ...
Clinician's Manual on Lupus is an expert overview of Lupus and related conditions that serves as ...
Over the past decade, forensic psychology has grown rapidly as a subject, with an increasing n...
‘Butterworth-Heinemann’s CIM Coursebooks have been designed to match the syllabus and learning...
How, in this Christian age of belief, can we draw sense from the ritual acts of Christians assemb...
‘Butterworth-Heinemann’s CIM Coursebooks have been designed to match the syllabus and learning...