A public intellectual known for his deeply humane approach to social and urban issues, Hugh Stret...
A passionate portrayal of Australia's social awakening - the people, the politics, and the power ...
Behind the glittering image of 'Marvellous Melbourne' there existed in the popular imagination an...
Behind the glittering image of 'Marvellous Melbourne' there existed in the popular imagination an...
Endlich feiert das spannungsgeladene Abenteuer des fünften Doktors Peter Davison (DER DOKTOR UND ...
This thoroughly revised Companion (first published in 1998) is immensely readable and entertainin...
Looks beyond public events to discover how the experience of boom and depression touched the live...
In 1839, Hampshire yeoman John Hewett died prematurely and left his wife and eight children to ma...
Pays tribute to one of Australia's most outstanding and influential historians, F B (Barry) Smith...
Examines the main currents in Australia's urban culture by looking at the ways in which artists, ...
'A great-aunt's bequest - a 200-year-old grandfather clock - sends historian Graeme Davison on a ...