Based on the true story of Samia Omar, this is about a girl who grows up in war-torn Somalia, det...
A heartbreaking novel, inspired by a true story, about a Somali girl who is willing to s...
Based on a remarkable true story, an unforgettable Somali girl risks her life on the migrant jour...
Based on a remarkable true story, Don't Tell Me You're Afraid is a moving, inspiring no...
Fill d'un pescador humil, l'Amal creix en una illa colpejada per la guerra entre l'exercit regula...
*The inspiration for the film Samia**The international bestseller published in over a dozen langu...
Originally published in Italian as Non dirmi che hai paura by Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore, Mi...
Önümde koskoca bir hayat vardi, ömrüm dopdolu ve olaganüstü gececekti. Samia Yusuf Omar, Somalili...