Es ist die Geschichte von Micól, dem geheimnisvollen Mädchen mit den blonden Haaren aus vornehmer...
Es ist die Geschichte von Micól, dem geheimnisvollen Mädchen mit den blonden Haaren aus vornehmer...
Pochi romanzi italiani del Novecento sono entrati così profondamente nel cuore dei lettori come '...
In leichtem Ton erinnert sich Bassani an Menschen, die ihm begegneten, und erzählt von Ferien am ...
Into the insular town of 1930s Ferrara, a new doctor arrives. Fadigati is hopeful and modern, and...
A new translation of Giorgio Bassani's haunting collection of short stories that evoke 1930s Ferr...
A new translation of Giorgio Bassani's award winning collection of novellas, which inspired his m...
A new translation of Bassani's moving novel of childhood friendship and the unexpected loss of in...
This is a haunting, elegiac novel which captures the mood and atmosphere of Italy (and in particu...