Sommer 1969 in der nordirischen Hauptstadt. Der neunjährige Buddy (Jude Hill), Sohn einer typisch...
This updated and completely revised edition of a bestseller extends the concepts and consideratio...
The Technology of Property Rights combines the understanding of institutions and institutional ch...
Written by one of the nation's most highly regarded project management mentors, The Complete Proj...
This updated and completely revised edition of a bestseller extends the concepts and consideratio...
Punctuation is an aspect of language where editors and proofreaders are constantly taking decisio...
Written by one of the nation's most highly regarded project management mentors, The Complete Proj...
Sommer 1969 in der nordirischen Hauptstadt. Der neunjährige Buddy (Jude Hill), Sohn einer typisch...
Jack's late again, his mum is ill, Tom turns nasty and Meena's fed up. Jack's scientific, but lif...
Punctuation is an aspect of language where editors and proofreaders are constantly taking decisio...
This updated and completely revised edition of a bestseller extends the concepts and considera...
Im spannenden zweiten Teil der epischen Trilogie 'Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht' erleben wir die f...