One in an ongoing series of esteemed and popular Bible commentary volumes based on the New Intern...
These accessible commentaries are for anyone who wants to enter a serious study of God's Word. Ea...
Part of the genius of the Gospel of John comes from how the author infuses the gospel message int...
THE NEW AMERICAN COMMENTARY is for the minister or Bible student who wants to understand and expo...
THE NEW AMERICAN COMMENTARY is for the minister or Bible student who wants to understand and expo...
PREFACEAn historical and geographical resource for the study of Scripture and a companion for vis...
Mossy Creek Press is proud to present this resource for studying scripture and a companion for tr...
The purpose of this book, Assaulted by Grief: Finding God in the Broken Places, is simply to touc...
One in an ongoing series of esteemed and popular Bible commentary volumes based on the New Intern...
In Forgiveness: Unleashing a Transformational Process Larry D. Ellis addresses one of the most ch...
These accessible commentaries are for anyone who wants to enter a serious study of Gods Word. Eac...
Provides a comprehensive introduction to Jesus and the gospels for college and seminary students....