This anthology reflects a range of Japanese religions in their complex, sometimes conflicting, di...
This anthology reflects a range of Japanese religions in their complex, sometimes conflicting, di...
This volume, the 9th project of the English Translation Committee of the Nichiren Shu Overseas Pr...
This book serves both as a reference and resource on Japanese Buddhism in Hawaii and a guidebook ...
Based on ethnographic fieldwork and archival research, it is one of the first studies to give rea...
This is a study of the Incense Light order, a single sex Buddhist community in contemporary Taiwa...
Highlights the complex and often wrenching interactions between long-established religious tradit...
The term 'revival' has been used to describe the resurgent vitality of Buddhism in Taiwan. Partic...
Provides a thorough yet accessible overview of Buddhism in Hawai'i followed by a temple-by-temple...
The cult of the four weikza raises a number of classic anthropological issues, particularly for t...
The cult of the four weikza raises a number of classic anthropological issues, particularly for t...