The Balkans and Mideast, a region very much in the news, is the setting for this action novel whi...
In the sequel to War and Destiny Markos leads his small band of OSS agents into the heart of occu...
While escorting a supply convoy to an off base communications site north of Bagram Airbase Afghan...
War and DestinyBy the late summer of 1940 most of Europe lay under the heel of the Nazi boot or a...
The second book of the Operation Medina seriesOperation Medina, The Crusade opens up with the Gre...
The Balkans and Mideast, a region very much in the news, is the setting for this action novel whi...
War and DestinyBy the late summer of 1940 most of Europe lay under the heel of the Nazi boot or a...
In the sequel to War and Destiny Markos leads his small band of OSS agents into the heart of occu...
The Empire by George MavroWhat if 15 soldiers with todays technology and equipment traveled back ...
Sultan's 70000 troups. With huge siege canon that can knock down Constantinoplis walls and open a...
War and DestinyBy the late summer of 1940 most of Europe lay under the heel of the Na...