Geist, Identität und Gesellschaft ist ein Klassiker, vielleicht der Klassike...
George Herbert Mead is widely recognized as one of the most brilliantly original American pragmat...
Never before published, this book features George Herbert Mead's illuminating lectures on the Phi...
Never before published, this book features George Herbert Mead's illuminating lectures on the Phi...
Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historica...
Castle’s correspondence with family members and with George Herbert Mead— one of America’s most i...
Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historica...
One of the most brilliantly original of American pragmatists, George Herbert Mead published surpr...
Die von Hans Joas besorgte zweibändige Auswahl aus Meads Schriften folgt zwei Leitlinien. Zum ...
Joas, Hans: (1930). Das Verhältnis von Spiel und Erziehung. Berufsbildung, Arbeiterschaft und Sch...