The stories in Permanent Tourists feature displaced characters loosely connected through a suppor...
When Vito Santoro's body is inadvertently unearthed by a demolition crew in Fregene, Italy, his s...
Tracks is a compilation of personal travel essays that range across three continents: from Italy,...
Dacia Maraini's memoir, The Ship for Kobe, features a series of recollections which weave her mot...
When Vito Santoro's body is inadvertently unearthed by a demolition crew in Fregene, Italy, his s...
A bilingual English-Italian collection of love poems, Text Me Dimmelo per SMS expresses through l...
In Faceless,Genni Gunn explores 'the impulse for the edge,' a magnetic field between the gloss ...
All experience is an arch wherethrough Gleams that untravelled world, whose margin fades For ever...
The stories in Permanent Tourists feature displaced characters loosely connected through a suppor...
In Accidents, her third collection of poems, Genni Gunn takes us on a roller coaster ride through...