Anthology of six ERB Universe tales centered around Victory Harben, the ERB Universe's newest her...
The groundbreaking Edgar Rice Burroughs Universe series continues with the thrilling sequel to Ma...
The groundbreaking Edgar Rice Burroughs Universe series continues with the thrilling sequel to Ma...
INTRIGUE IN THE COURT OF ZORBorn to an ancient line of noble and courageous forebears, Dejah Thor...
INTRIGUE IN THE COURT OF ZORBorn to an ancient line of noble and courageous forebears, Dejah Thor...
What fix-it man Howard Bell believed to be the key to the Executive Washroom in a brand-new Bosto...
The third novel in the ground-breaking Edgar Rice Burroughs Universe series, interconnecting the ...
News of the passing of a dear friend spurs John Carter, Warlord of Mars, to investigate a series ...
News of the passing of a dear friend spurs John Carter, Warlord of Mars, to investigate a series ...