As the average age of the population continues to rise in industrialized nations, the fis...
Contents include: Introduction and Summary Public Policy Implications of Declining Old-Age Mortal...
Friedlander and Burtless teach us why welfare reform will not be easy. Their sobering assessment ...
Theoretical and policy perspectives on the taxation of pension, viewed in an international contex...
By 2030, when most American baby boomers will have retired, all the large industrial economies wi...
For nearly two decades the U.S. economy has been plagued by two disturbing economic trends: the s...
Many believe that American education can only be improved with a sizable infusion of new resource...
Politicians, journalists, and the public have expressed rising concern about the declineor percie...
Examines the effects of rising social security costs and of measures adopted to deal with them, a...
'Many believe that American education can only be improved with a sizable infusion of new resourc...
'By 2030, when most American baby boomers will have retired, all the large industrial economies w...
'As the average age of the population continues to rise in industrialized nations, the fiscal imp...