A Reklámország peremén tagadhatatlanul önéletrajzi ihletésű könyv, a...
The physics of neutrinos has acquired a rapidly increasing role within the realm of particle phys...
This book addresses the theoretical aspects of the search for 'new physics' beyond the Standard M...
The Hungarian born mathematical genius, John von Neumann, was undoubtedly one of the greatest and...
The twentieth Johns Hopkins Workshop on current problems in particle theory took place in Heidelb...
This workshop was devoted to a discussion of recent progress made in the understanding of quantum...
The workshop collected together theoreticians and experimentalists for a discussion about the mos...
This was a joint meeting of the Johns Hopkins Workshop and PASCOS. It was interdisciplinary in it...
The Hungarian born mathematical genius, John von Neumann, was undoubtedly one of the greatest and...
This was a joint meeting of the Johns Hopkins Workshop and PASCOS. It was interdisciplinary in it...