The story opens with the purchase of a 9mm Browning at a small Paris gun shop by a man named Ivar...
First published in 2003, Infectious Greed examined how our greed-driven culture led to the genera...
Eine aktualisierte Version vom »Kommunistischen Manifest« mit einem Vorwort von Robert Habeck.Wen...
F.I.A.S.C.O. is the best-selling account of Frank Partnoy's education in the jungle of high finan...
Frank Partnoy, a former high-flying derivatives salesman, gives a vivid and shocking account of t...
'Fiasco' is the shocking story of one man's education in the jungles of Wall Street. As a young d...
Ivar Kreuger (1880 ¿ 1932) war die zentrale Figur des europäischen Zündwarenmonopols, ein geniale...
A renowned financial commentator and consultant explains the mysteries and transformative power o...
Partnoy writes an all-too prescient parable of how unregulated markets, greed, and unchecked ambi...
Warren Buffett compares stock trading to great athletes: they excel not because of fast neurologi...