Planned as the first in a series of stories about a young girl's fantasy travels to various Eu...
Speculative fiction with a powerful political premise (11+)
Until the 1970s, Ida B. Wells-Barnett (1862–1931)—like so m...
Bumpfizzle is an alien, sent to Earth from Planet Plonk on a research mission. Or is he really ju...
A tale-of-truest friendship bookA fill-my-heart with love bookA read-again-and-again bookAn epic ...
After global warming came the Melting. Then came Ark. The new dictator of Ark wants to silence sp...
After the death of her master, Mair is promoted from apprentice to chief word keeper. Her task is...
Written by the newly-appointedLaureate na nOg (Ireland's Children's Literature Laureate)A gripp...
Meet THE LOST DOGS: Luna, Bella and Eddie. Thrown together when their worlds fall apart, these th...
After the global warming came the Great Thaw. Following that came the Ark, whose new governor wan...
A laugh-out-loud picture book from the Irish Children's Laureate, featuring a hilarious exchange ...
It's a dark and stormy night, and Sophie knows that there is a MONSTER hiding under her bed. So, ...