The U.S. government is faced with growing challenges to managing its facilities and infrastructur...
A primary mission of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is the assurance of safety in civi...
This new book from the National Research Council finds serious weaknesses in the government's pla...
In 1996, the Federal Facilities Council (FFC), which operates under the aegis of the National Res...
Two surveys of the National Science Foundation's Division of Science Resources Statistics (SRS) p...
Every year roughly 100,000 fatal and injury crashes occur in the United States involving large tr...
This book responds to a congressional request to evaluated criteria by which land is acquired und...
The environment for obtaining information and providing statistical data for policy makers and th...
The deteriorating condition of federal facilities poses economic, safety, operational, and enviro...
This book, the result of a congressionally mandated study, examines the adequacy of the regulator...
In 1996, the Federal Facilities Council (FFC), which operates under the aegis of the National Res...