Putting forward an innovative approach to solving current technological problems faced by huma...
Eco-efficient Construction and Building Materials reviews ways of assessing the environmental imp...
This book explains how to tackle the challenges of building refurbishment towards nearly zero ene...
Eco-efficient Construction and Building Materials provides essential reading about mate...
This book presents the current state of knowledge on nanomaterials and their use in buildings, ra...
Since 1930 more than 100,000 new chemical compounds have been developed and insufficient informat...
Start-Up Creation: The Smart Eco-efficient Built Environment provides a state-of-the-art review o...
Cost-Effective Energy Efficient Building Retrofitting:Materials, Technologies, Optimization and C...
Eco-efficient Repair and Rehabilitation of Concrete Infrastructures provides an updated state-of-...
The civil engineering sector accounts for a significant percentage of global material and energy ...
As the environmental impact of existing construction and building materials comes under increasin...
From long-standing worries regarding the use of lead and asbestos to recent research into carcino...