This collection of stories explores murders committed in the very places meant to be safe have...
This volume of critical essays explores global children's literary traditions and not ju...
Think nothing ever happens where you live? Suburb an Nightmare is a collection of stories that...
Belonging is pivotal for healthy development, and yet members of marginalized communitie...
The Changing Mile, originally published in 1965, was a benchmark in ecological studies, demonstra...
Egal ob es um die Jagd auf Cyberterroristen geht, auf international gesuchte Piraten oder Serienk...
Serial killers in the caring professions.Doctors, nurses and health workers have a duty of care t...
Drei Knaller-Willis-Filme in einer Box. Die Action-Ikone zeigt in allen Streifen wo der Hammer hä...
'The Changing Mile,' originally published in 1965, was a benchmark in ecological studies, demonst...