Das preisgekrönte Drama geht in die letzte Runde. Eve ist auf einem Rachefeldzug, während Villane...
A passionate, heartbreaking story of authority and revenge, alcoholism and futile redemption...
Set in the gloomy depths of the granite-block textile mills of the industrial Northeast, Warp & W...
Robbie Boyle's always looked after his brother, Quinn. Will he uncover the real reasons Quinn ...
This daring collaborative effort showcases dialogues between international scholars engaged with ...
In prairie towns and backwaters, and in the big cities, people search for themselves and their lo...
An Oprah Daily Best Novel Based on a True StoryDelaney[s] splendid fictional biography of Cary Gr...
1958. A horrific road death on the edge of a small reservation in central Wyoming sets into motio...
Edward J. Delaney, much published and honored, is a gifted, versatile story teller in the traditi...
A passionate, heartbreaking story of authority and revenge, alcoholism and futile redemption set ...
Robbie Boyle's always looked after his brother, Quinn. Will he uncover the real reasons Quinn was...
Robbie Boyle's always looked after his brother, Quinn. Will he uncover the real reasons Quinn was...