In the 25 years since the ''Bodmer Report'' kick-started the public understanding of science move...
One-Way Street is a thoroughfare unlike anything else in literature-by turns exhilarating and bew...
Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historica...
The Lee family is composed of perhaps the most distinguished ancestry on record, having provided,...
The Lee family boasts perhaps the most distinguished ancestry on record, having provided, for exa...
Ein pazifistischer Familienvater, ein verliebter Paiute und ein gerechtigkeitsliebender Sheriff s...
Presented in a new edition with expanded notes, this genre-defying meditation on the semiotics of...
Walter Benjamin's essays on the great French lyric poet Charles Baudelaire revolutionized not jus...
This medical reference provides a comprehensive index of the symptoms associated with cough and e...