This three-volume encyclopedia explores the evolution of green ideology and eco-friendly practice...
A comprehensive compilation of entries illuminates the key trends, activities, and themes in orga...
Explores the complex relationship humans have with the environment. It is one of both responsibil...
Over the past decade, organic products have become the fastest growing sector of agriculture, wit...
Explores the complex relationship humans have with the environment. It is one of both responsibil...
This three-volume encyclopedia explores the evolution of green ideology and eco-friendly practice...
Discover the existential threats facing 50 unique places across the globe and the possible soluti...
A comprehensive compilation of entries illuminates the key trends, activities, and themes in orga...
Explores the complex relationship humans have with the environment. It is one of both responsibil...
Compelling portraits of organic farmers bring to life facts and figures in an extensive overview ...
Leslie A. Duram is a professor and chair of the Department of Geography and Environmental Resourc...
A comprehensive coverage of the complex interactions between people and the environment.