Kanada in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts: Im Viktoranischen Zeitalter löst Inspektor Ali...
England um 1860. Kapitän James Onedin erwirbt mit seinem letzten Geld den Hochseeschoner 'Charlot...
Robust organizational capacity is a company s potential to apply its skills and resources to acco...
Discover analytical tools and practices to help improve the quality of risk management in governm...
Robust organizational capacity is a company s potential to apply its skills and resources to acco...
Discover analytical tools and practices to help improve the quality of risk management in governm...
A comprehensive review of contemporary research in the vision sciences, reflecting the rapid adva...
The Springer Handbook of Auditory Research presents a series of com- prehensive and synthetic rev...
To develop a science of hearing that is intellectu- The five-day conference was held at the Mote ...
A collection of bench-top guides providing an up-to-date review of techniques and applications.
Advances in the material sciences, 3D printing technology, functional electrical stimulation, sma...
Comparative Vertebrate Morphology provides a comprehensive discussion of vertebrate morphology. T...