Comfort is a prominent and highly loaded concept, as popular discourses on cosy environments, saf...
Die Schriftenreihe linguae & litterae, herausgegeben von Peter Auer, Gesa von Essen u...
‘Realism’ is a pervasive term in discussions of contemporary developments in the cultural sphe...
Die Schriftenreihe linguae & litterae, herausgegeben von Peter Auer, Gesa von Essen und Werner Fr...
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The history of the novel is also a history of shifting views of the value of novel reading. This ...
Die Schriftenreihe linguae & litterae, herausgegeben von Peter Auer, Gesa von Essen u...
The distinction between author and narrator is one of the cornerstones of narrative theory. In...
'Realism' is a pervasive term in discussions of contemporary developments in the cultural sphe...
The history of the novel is also a history of shifting views of the value of novel reading. This ...
Counterfactuality is currently a hotly debated topic. While for some disciplines such as lingu...