Using Billy Joel’s music as a lens on history and culture, this volume introduces a vari...
This is a heart-warming and thought-provoking story of two people who, for different reasons, hav...
While working within the penal system to advocate prison reform, Jerry Haloran discovers through ...
In this thought-provoking story of suppressed emotions and forbidden love, two people who, for di...
A history professor from the 22nd century seeks to escape his present by traveling to the 21st ce...
Don Hanley had every reason to believe he was born a worthless burden, but he finds that splendor...
Sie sind Außerirdische aus einer fernen Galaxis - Wesen aus Licht und Energie. Und sie kommen auf...
In this thought-provoking story of suppressed emotions and forbidden love, two people who, for di...
A history professor from the 22nd century seeks to escape his present by traveling to the 21st ce...
While working within the penal system to advocate prison reform, Jerry Haloran discovers through ...