GHOSTBUSTERS-Regisseur Ivan Reitman lädt einen zu einer irren Sci-Fi-Comedy mit Julianne Moore un...
Durch Zufall stößt Dr. Matthew Bennell (Donald Sutherland) von der Gesundheitsbehörde San Francis...
Disneys einzigartiges Meisterwerk Fantasia 2000 begeistert mit einer unvergleichlichen Kompositio...
Großer Schock für Nick Knight, den Vampircop: Schanke und Cohen werden auf einer Flugreise nach A...
Signs, artwork, stories, and photographs from the March for Science Movement and community.In Jan...
The classic New York Times bestseller: Real-life stories from prominent people talking about thei...
Gather 'Round for a Good Story Kick back, relax, and relive some of your favorite memories as hun...
In the 1850s a craze swept through the wardrobes of the women of British and American society. Th...
The science behind the legislative and practical issues of the regulation of chemicals in the env...
This book is a detailed examination of social connections to language evaluation with a specif...
Passion for objects and love for science: scientists and students reflect on how objects fired th...
This book is a detailed examination of social connections to language evaluation with a specific ...