Renowned today for his contribution to the rise of the modern European fairy tale, Giovan Frances...
Renowned today for his contribution to the rise of the modern European fairy tale, Giovan Frances...
Taking Exception to the Law explores how a range of early modern English writings res...
A rich and multi-faceted aspect of the Italian Renaissance, the comedy has been largely overlooke...
Ludovico Ariosto''s Orlando furioso is one of the masterpieces of the Renaissance, a wo...
In this second volume of Renaissance Comedy, Donald Beecher presents six more of the ...
A rich and multi-faceted aspect of the Italian Renaissance, the comedy has been largely overlo...
Renowned today for his contribution to the rise of the modern European fairy tale, Giovan Frances...
Renowned today for his contribution to the rise of the modern European fairy tale, Giovan Frances...
This collection of essays brings together twelve noted Italian and American scholars to provide a...
In this second volume of Renaissance Comedy, Donald Beecher presents six more of the best-known p...
As a much-needed reappraisal of these comedic plays, Renaissance Comedy is an invaluable look at ...