Canadian cartoonist Gregory Gallant, pen name Seth, emerged as a cartoonist in the fertile period...
Interviews with the cartoonist who createdIt's a Good Life, If You Don't Weaken;Clyde F...
The early 1980s saw a revolution in mainstream comics-in subject matter, artistic integrity, and ...
Collected interviews with the unconventional comics creator ofYummy Fur (1983–1994), comic...
Collected interviews spanning the career of an American comic book writer, editor, and businessma...
As an American comic book writer, editor, and businessman, Jim Shooter (b. 1951) remains among th...
Though it lasted just two seasons, Twin Peaks (1990-1991) raised the bar for television and is no...
Contributions by Jordan Bolay, Ian Brodie, Jocelyn Sakal Froese, Dominick Grace, Eric Hoffman, Pa...
A broad survey of the inspirations of comics creation in Canada
Gotlieb is a writer central to the Canadian science fiction canon. Though she has been called the...
Interviews with the cartoonist best known forCerebus
Nanotechnology safety is the practice of handling engineered nanomaterials in production and manu...