In Reading Matthew with Monks, Derek Olsen seeks to evaluate whether early medieval monastic bibl...
The Honey of Souls is the first full-length study of the Explanation of the Psalms by Cassiodorus...
These electronic volumes will serve as key pieces in the academic liturgical theology work of p...
Values-rich journeys can be described as pilgrimage, spiritual travel, personal heritage tourism,...
The Honey of Souls is the first full-length study of the Explanation of the Psalms by Cassiodorus...
In Reading Matthew with Monks, Derek Olsen seeks to evaluate whether earlymedieval monastic bibli...
As terrorism sweeps the globe, religious differences seem impossible to reconcile. Spiritual lead...
'The world is aching. It is you who will show all of Greece the Way.'These words, from a myster...
Scholar Derek Olsen explores liturgical spirituality and how the prayer book serves as a reposito...
Saint Augustine's Prayer Book is a book of prayer and practice―with disciplines, habits, and patt...