In his engaging narrative history of the rise and workings of America's first juvenile court, Dav...
In his engaging narrative history of the rise and workings of America's first juvenile court, Dav...
An unprecedented comparison of juvenile justice systems across the globe, Juvenile Justice in Glo...
Thisis a hopeful but complicated era for those with ambitions to reform thejuvenile courts and yo...
Six compelling histories of youth crime in the twentieth century Ages of Anxiety presents six cas...
This new edition upon the 50th anniversary of In re Gault includes expanded coverage of the Rober...
Six compelling histories of youth crime in the twentieth century Ages of Anxiety presents six cas...
In his engaging narrative history of the rise and workings of America's first juvenile court, Dav...
Thisis a hopeful but complicated era for those with ambitions to reform thejuvenile courts and yo...
In his engaging narrative history of the rise and workings of America's first juvenile court, Dav...
An unprecedented comparison of juvenile justice systems across the globe, Juvenile Justice in Glo...
Six compelling histories of youth crime in the twentieth centuryAges of Anxiety presents six case...