In den USA längst zum Klassiker avanciert, erscheint 'The Tower and the Bridge' nun endlich in de...
Long recognised as a classic in the USA, 'The Tower and the Bridge' is now at last available in G...
Long recognised as a classic in the USA, 'The Tower and the Bridge' is now at last available in G...
Warm Air Heating describes the underlying principles of heating by warm air and illustrates how t...
Power, Speed, and Form is the first accessible account of the engineering behind eight breakthrou...
The description for this book, Robert Maillart's Bridges: The Art of Engineering, will be forthco...
An essential exploration of the engineering aesthetics of celebrated structures from long-span br...
The engineering ideas behind key twentieth-century technical innovations, from great dams and hig...
First published in 1994, Making the Most of your Inspection is written from the school's viewpoin...
First published in 1994, Making the Most of your Inspection is written from the school's viewpoin...