For the first time, David Katz''s classic monograph The World of Touch has been transla...
The volume begins with a historical overview of the self in social judgment and outlines the m...
David W. Krueger illustrates a novel synthesis of fundamental psychodynamic principles with evolv...
How did Republicans manage to hold the White House through much of the past half century even as ...
For the first time, David Katz's classic monograph The World of Touch has been translated into En...
If money were about math, none of us would be carrying any debt.The numbers are simple. What s co...
The volume begins with a historical overview of the self in social judgment and outlines the m...
The Art and Science of Change, Reinvention, and SuccessWhen people construct their personal narra...
From David Card, winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, and Alan Krueger, a provocative challeng...
David W. Krueger illustrates a novel synthesis of fundamental psychodynamic principles with evolv...
Cancer and chronic disease are a rapidly increasing global health burden: according to the Milken...
Over the next several decades, as human populations grow and developing countries become more aff...