In his fifty-three years, Michael W. Casey made an indelible impact upon all his academic friends...
In short, we hope that this volume will provide an appropriate model for the hungry preacher and ...
The Rochester College Sermon Seminar and the series of books it has inspired have been built on t...
The context for this book is rooted in the life of the local church. We desire to integrate bibli...
A rich, accessible, and practical resource for church leaders -- for week study sessions, leaders...
In his fifty-three years, Michael W. Casey made an indelible impact upon all his academic friends...
The context for this book is rooted in the life of the local church. We desire to integrate bibli...
In his fifty-three years, Michael W. Casey made an indelible impact upon all his academic friends...
This newest title from Fleer and Bland is again designed specifically for preachers. Combining es...
Church elders today sacrifice and serve often without training or resources. The result can be di...
This collection of essays and sermons challenges us to consider the Sermon on the Mount as Jesus'...
A rich, accessible, and practical resource for church leaders--for week study sessions, leadershi...