Der Stoizismus, die einflussreichste Philosophie des Römischen Reiches, bietet erfrischend modern...
Stoicism, the most influential philosophy of the Roman Empire, offers refreshingly modern ways to...
Humanity's creative role within the living pattern of nature*; Explores important scientific di...
These 150 poems and mystical epigrams, translated from the original Persian sources, represent al...
Stoicism, the most influential philosophy of the Roman Empire, offers refreshingly modern ways to...
O excelentă introducere în scrierile lui Seneca, în ceea ce înseamnă filosofia stoică și stoic...
PYTHAGORAS (fl. 500 B.C.E.), the first man to call himself a philosopher, was both a brilliant ma...
Humanity's creative role within the living pattern of nature.
The mystic verse of Shabistari, written during a period of fierce conflict between Christianity a...
Stoicism, the most influential philosophy of the Roman Empire, offers refreshingly modern ways to...