This book examines after-school programs in light of their explosive growth in recent years. In t...
This user-friendly package contains the most innovative methods, procedures, suggestions, and mat...
Quatre années après la première édition de ceManuel de psychiatrie, il a paru nécessaire d...
Cette 3e édition duManuel de psychiatrie offre aux étudiants en médecine, aux psychiatres ...
Qu''adviendra-t-il du christianisme, que restera-t-il de la foi des croyants si l''homme n''est p...
Dans le cadre d''une pathologie dégénérative lombaire, l''arthrodèse lombaire ou lombosacrée le p...
This book provides an international perspective on rural planning, focused on developing countrie...
Religious ideas and actors have shaped Asian cultural practices for millennia and have played a d...
This book provides an international perspective on rural planning, focused on developing countrie...
Force-fitting employees to job descriptions leads to unhappy people and substandard performance. ...
Manchuria entered the twentieth century as a neglected backwater of the dying Qing dynasty, and w...