Jean Sibelius has gradually emerged as one of the most striking and influential figures in twenti...
Edward Elgar occupies a pivotal place in the British cultural imagination. His music has been hea...
New perspectives on the greatest Finnish composer of all timePerhaps no twentieth-century compose...
Edward Elgar occupies a pivotal place in the British cultural imagination. His music has been hea...
Few composers have responded as powerfully to place as Frederick Delius (1862-1934). Born in York...
Jean Sibelius has gradually emerged as one of the most striking and influential figures in twenti...
Bringing together researchers in modern British religious, political, intellectual and social his...
Bringing together researchers in modern British religious, political, intellectual and social his...
An illuminating investigation into the interdisciplinary impact of the beloved modern classical c...
Jean Sibelius has gradually emerged as one of the most striking and influential figures in twenti...
Essays highlight the interplay between opera, art and ideology across three centuries. Three broa...
A critical re-evaluation of the music of Carl Nielsen which examines its context and relationship...