After commanding the Titans in their war against the Olympians, Atlas was forced to hold up the h...
After commanding the Titans in their war against the Olympians, Atlas was forced to hold up the h...
Snake Girl convinces Atlas to help her break one of his enemies of the past out of a heavily guar...
In the exciting conclusion of Volume 2, we get a intimate look into the motivations behind each s...
Karen Chugg is suddenly the most popular student in school. But she can't shake the sneaking susp...
Homecoming wasn't supposed to be like this: The teachers have become chemically boosted monsters....
She's the most powerful woman in government. If you don't like her, you probably hate her. But is...
In the 2008 US Presidential election, Sarah Palin became a household name.In this graphic illus...
Atlas' battles and mistrials continue into issue #2! At the funeral for a fallen, fellow superher...
After being rescued from a flood by a man named Brandon, a married couple soon learn the hard way...
Karen Chugg just wanted to graduate high school as valedictorian. But it's not easy to study when...
50 Cent's life is as dramatic as any of his songs. Bluewater takes a look at the rapper's life, h...