Hallische Jahrbücher - So hieß eine Zeitschrift, die Marx' zeitweiliger Kompagnon Arnold Ruge 183...
Hallische Jahrbücher - So hieß eine Zeitschrift, die Marx' zeitweiliger Kompagnon Arnold Ruge 183...
DIV Zen-like attention—to nature and the human heart—is the through-line inEM Particles,EM...
Dan Gerber's poetry is influenced by Zen attentiveness, childhood memories, and deep connect...
'Dan Gerber is one of our finest living poets.' —Annie Dillard
Schwerpunkte des Jahrbuchs 2017 sind das Krisenjahr 1938 sowie neue Perspektiven der Biografiefor...
Reading the poetry of Dan Gerber, we are summoned to this larger truth: Though we live in fraught...
Aktuelle Kontroversen um die 'Singularität des Holocaust' übergehen oftmals, dass es nach 1945...
American Atlas brings to the traditional 'road' novel an exhilarating breath of fresh air -- or p...
'Dan Gerber is one of our finest living poets.' -Annie Dillard
Dan Gerber's poetry is influenced by Zen attentiveness, childhood memories, and deep connections ...
Dan Gerber's Trying to Catch the Horses is his first full-length collection since his I highly ac...