Amy is a store detective at Cutty's, the oldest and grandest department store in the country. She...
Fifteen-year-old Ricky lives in Aspiring, a town that's growing at an alarming rate. Ricky's grow...
The literary magazine 'Sport' burst onto the scene in 1988 and has come to define a wildly creati...
Writers of all skill levels can give their minds a work-out with this extensive book of writing p...
Showcasing for the first time selections from a notable online anthology, this volume captures Ne...
This exhilarating mixture of fables, satires, notes to self and short shorts will further enhance...
A deeply moving and funny portrayal of a mother and son, this humorous novel about coping with an...
It is 1928 and the world's most famous novelist, Thomas Hardy, is dying in the upstairs room of M...
Michael Stirling's old life is gone. He's on the dating scene, living in an upmarket apartment co...