Story of a saga video games...If the Dark Souls series managed to seduce players and journalists,...
Dans les coulisses de la creation de la trilogie de Fumito Ueda.En raison de leur singularite et ...
Histoire d''une saga de jeux vidéo à succès...Cet ouvrage raconte cette fabuleu...
Alors que nous pensions avoir fait le tour du sujet dans le premier volume, ces deux jeux s...
Une analyse complète et didactique de l''un des plus célèbres jeux vidéos.La colle...
Un héros perdu dans une ville de cauchemar...La sérieSilent Hill de Konami ...
Go behind the scenes of the creation of the Fumito Ueda trilogy !Fumito Ueda has worked on 3 game...
We thought we had gone through the topic in the first volume, those two games opened new pists of...
One of the most beloved and popular RPGs of all time, Final Fantasy X was beloved not only for th...
We thought we had gone through the topic in the first volume, those two games opened new pists of...
Go behind the scenes of the creation of the Fumito Ueda trilogy !Fumito Ueda has worked on 3 game...
An emblematic question that has been fueling debates for years, the question of the artistic esse...