Victorian women poets lived in a time when religion was a vital aspect of their identities. Cynth...
The fifth edition updates the materials while broadening the appeal of the book to social service...
This book is written primarily for students or beginning-to-moderately experienced grantwriters w...
The updated Sixth Edition of the best-selling Proposal Writing: Effective Grantsmanship for Fundi...
The updated Fifth Edition of the best-selling Proposal Writing: Effective Grantsmanship for Fundi...
The updated Sixth Edition of the best-selling Proposal Writing: Effective Grantsmanship for Fundi...
The updatedSixth Edition of the best-sellingProposal Writing: Effective ...
Victorian women poets lived in a time when religion was a vital aspect of their identities. Cynth...
Examines Anglo-Jewish and Christian women poets, and the connections between the discourses of ni...
The updated Sixth Edition of the best-selling Proposal Writing: Effective Grantsmanship for Fundi...