In an eclectic career spanning four decades, Italian director Riccardo Freda (1909-1999) produced...
Italian Gothic horror films of the 1970s were influenced by the violent giallo movies and adults-...
In 1970s Italy, after the decline of the Spaghetti Western, crime films became the most popular, ...
The history of Italian cinema includes, in addition to the renowned auteurs, a number of peculiar...
A self-taught culinary virtuoso, Francesco Bracali is one of Italy's top chefs. He and his brothe...
Elio Petri (1929-1982) was one of the most commercially successful and critically revered Italian...
The "e;Gothic"e; style was a key trend in Italian cinema of the 1950s and 1960s because o...
The Italian Gothic horror genre underwent many changes in the 1980s, with masters such as Mario B...
Tonino Valerii is one of Italy's best genre film directors. Starting out as Sergio Leone's assist...
Since the release in 1929 of a popular book series with bright yellow covers, the Italian word gi...
Mario Bava''s Blood and Black Lace (1964) is a legendary title, and is commonly considered as the...