After a string of box office bombs, a director heads back to his Southern hometown, in this novel...
In a post-Trump world, Billy Kos, occasional poet, uneasy lover, and pot salesman, meets Kalma Vo...
Fiction. Music. DIDDY-WAH-DIDDY: A BEALE STREET SUITE is a crazy-quilt mosaic about a near-mythic...
Following Richard Brautigan concerns a young writer of bad poetry living in Oklahoma City in the ...
Robert Walker is homeless. He awakes one morning in his box to find half his face paralyzed. In a...
Fiction. If Alice had gone to a sketchy doctor in a sketchy part of town this might be the rabbit...
The World is Neither Stacked for Nor Against You is a book of disparate parts, a sort of Frankens...
'Like almost everyone, Eric Warberg went to Hollywood to make it big. For many years, he was succ...
In a post-Trump world, Billy Kos, occasional poet, uneasy lover, and pot salesman, meets Kalma Vo...