In this exciting mystery, thirteen-year-old Nick and his faithful dog, Wags, are mixed up in a sc...
In this exciting mystery, thirteen-year-old Nick and his faithful dog, Wags, are mixed up in a sc...
Deafened at the age of six, Claire Blatchford was educated orally with speech lessons, speechread...
With authenticity and honesty, Claire Blatchford writes from the heart of her experiences in faci...
Everyone's Parkinson's disease path is a unique journey to the moments before passing. These mome...
'The dead are all around and are as much our neighbors as the family next door, the tree at the c...
A deaf teacher gives a message of guidance and comfort about listening to theinner voice to deter...
When her book of guidance, Turning, was published anonymously ten years ago, many readers respond...
In this memoir, Blatchford describes in prose and verse living with a cochlear implant for three ...