During the Cold War era, relations between Greece and Turkey attracted the interest of the two su...
Education is a thoroughly political enterprise. The process of determining the purpose of educati...
The post-9 11 era and the overall impact of international terrorism have generated much debate re...
Education is a thoroughly political enterprise. The process of determining the purpose of educati...
The post-9 11 era and the overall impact of international terrorism have generated much debate re...
Anti-Racism in European Football: Fair Play for All challenges the issue of racism in European fo...
European Football in Black and White challenges the issue of racism in European football, identif...
European National football came together in the summer of 2012 for the 14th occasion. This book s...
European National football came together in the summer of 2012 for the 14th occasion. This book s...
While football does not generate discriminatory behaviour, it often replicates the very same soci...
While football does not generate discriminatory behaviour, it often replicates the very same soci...
This book examines the deep connections between football and politics and explains what those rel...