First published in 1989, this title explores the relationship between theater and power in the En...
First published in 1989, this title explores the relationship between theater and power in the En...
Ranging from Leonardo to Hobbes, The Storm at Sea: Political Aesthetics in the Time of Shakespear...
The Storm at Sea: Political Aesthetics in the Time of Shakespeare counters a tradition of cultura...
The turn to political concerns in Renaissance studies, beginning in the 1980s, was dictated by fo...
Ranging from Leonardo to Hobbes, The Storm at Sea: Political Aesthetics in the Time of Shakespear...
First published in 1989, this title explores the relationship between theater and power in the En...
First published in 1989, this title explores the relationship theater and power in the English Re...
Ranging from Leonardo to Hobbes, The Storm at Sea: Political Aesthetics in the Time of Shakespear...
'Christopher Pye's elegantly written and argued 'The Vanishing' is a terrific book. It could by i...
'Christopher Pye's elegantly written and argued 'The Vanishing' is a terrific book. It could by i...