Dies ist eine Geschichte aus längst vergangener Zeit, einer Zeit der Mythen, Märchen und Sagen, a...
Fourteenth Century England has quickly established for itself a deserved reputation for its scope...
New study sets the medieval palatinate of Durham firmly in the context of a community built round...
The medieval development of the distinct region of north-east England explored through close exam...
Numerous aspects of the medieval economy are covered in this new collection of essays, from busin...
Is North East England really a coherent and self-conscious region? The essays collected here addr...
The political narrative of late medieval English towns is often reduced to the story of the gradu...
The annual volume of new work on all aspects of the fourteenth century, including England's overs...
The medieval development of the distinct region of north-east England explored through close exam...
Relations between town and crown in late medieval England examined through two of its most import...
Numerous aspects of the medieval economy are covered in this new collection of essays, from busin...