'Debating Law' is a new, exciting series that gives scholarly experts the opportunity to offer co...
Justice reinvestment was introduced as a response to mass incarceration and racial disparity in t...
What are the various forces influencing the role of the prison in late modern societies? What cha...
What are the various forces influencing the role of the prison in late modern societies? What cha...
Indigenous Criminology is the first book to comprehensively explore Indigenous people’s contact w...
Indigenous Criminology is the first book to comprehensively explore Indigenous people's contact w...
Crime, Deviance and Society: An Introduction to Sociological Criminology offers a comprehensive i...
Crime, Deviance and Society: An Introduction to Sociological Criminology offers a comprehensive i...
This book represents the first major analysis of Anglo-Australian youth justice and penality to b...
This book represents the first major analysis of Anglo-Australian youth justice and penality to b...
Aboriginal people are grossly over-represented before the courts and in our gaols. Despite numero...
Aboriginal people are grossly over-represented before the courts and in our gaols. Despite numero...