Anschauliche Einführung in die Grundlagen & Geschichte der ChemieWarum reagieren Ch...
Der Homo sapiens und der Sinn des Lebens: eine andere KulturgeschichteWas zeichnet uns al...
The history of the ant, a creature whose behaviour and society have fascinated humanity for mille...
The Bible is bursting with teaching about nature: how God created it, how humans fit into it, and...
As Kermit the Frog taught us—it’s not easy being green. With good reason, since you’ll likely ...
The growing field of literature and science is for the first time given a fully theorized overvie...
Cosmopolitan Animals asks what new possibilities and permutations of cosmopolitanism can emerge b...
Scientific governance in Britain, 1914-79 examines the connected histories of how science was gov...
Examines the connected histories of how science was governed, and used in governance, in twentiet...
As children, our first encounters with the world's animals do not arise during expeditions throug...
What does it mean to be human? And what, if anything, does it have to do with being a member of t...
Anschauliche Einfuhrung in die Grundlagen & Geschichte der ChemieWarum reagieren Chemikalien? Wie...