Chap Clark's groundbreaking Hurt: Inside the World of Today's Teenagers revealed the hard truth a...
Twenty-first-century society is diverse, and Christians must be able to understand other cultures...
In simpler, more homogenous times, youth ministry was a relatively straightforward activity. The ...
Parents worry they don't have the understanding or training to be able to care for their kids in ...
Hurt provided a vivid and insightful view into the world of today's teenagers. Now leading youth ...
For more than two centuries, youth ministries have either strengthened teenagers after a special ...
Why does divorce cause so much strain and long-term distress for children of all ages? Andrew Roo...
Kids desperately need healthy, committed adults who can help them thrive in their faith and becom...
Youth culture changes rapidly, so those in the position to counsel teens often find themselves il...
¿Qué padre cristiano no querría encontrar un recurso para infundirles a sus hijos una fe dinámica...
It doesn't take a long list of statistics to convince you that our world is broken. Mission trips...